
Why “Carbon Credit Project”?

Global warming and climate change are the most alarming issues we face today. Working toward sustainable practices is our only way to save our planet and future generations from the exhaustion of resources and further loss of a livable climate.

Stabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from croplands as agricultural demand grows is a critical climate change mitigation strategy. Depending on management, the Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector can be both a source as well as a net sink for carbon. Currently, it contributes 25% of the global anthropogenic carbon emissions. Although India’s emissions from this sector are around 8% of the total national GHG emissions, it can contribute significantly to the country’s aspirations of reaching net-zero emissions by 2070.

We Kairali Agriculture MSCS Ltd, through our Carbon Credit Project creates a team of farmers and provides them an opportunity to engage in sustainable farming and to reap the benefits from carbon credits generated from their agricultural lands.

  • Strategies Implemented:

    Better Land Use, Agroforestry, Afforestation, Better Manure and Fertilizer Management, Climate Smart farming, Reduce Enteric Emissions, Prevent Biomass Burning, Better Waste Management, Clean Development Mechanisms,
